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Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted:
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#1581 1¢ Americana on greenish paper.

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#1581c 1¢ Americana on white paper. You can take a look at a collection of 1581's at top and 1581c's in the bottom 2 rows at the following link.

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#1582 2¢ Americana shiny gum, on greenish paper.

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#1582 2¢ Americana dull gum, on greenish paper.

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#1582b 2¢ Americana dull gum, on cream paper.

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#1712-5 13¢ Butterflies, tan background shade.

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#1712-5 13¢ Butterflies, brown background shade.

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#1737 15¢ Roses, spring green leaves.

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#1737 15¢ Roses, green leaves.

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#1737 15¢ Roses, olive green leaves.

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#1862 20¢ Truman, line perf 10.9, original issue.

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#1862a 20¢ Truman, bulls-eye line perf 11.2, large block tagging.

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#1862b 20¢ Truman, bulls-eye line perf 11.2, overall tagging.

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#1862d 20¢ Truman, bulls-eye line perf 11.2, prephosphored/mottled tagging, bleached white paper with shiny gum.

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#1869 50¢ Nimitz, line perf 10.9, original issue.

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#1869a 50¢ Nimitz, bulls-eye line perf 11.2, large block tagging.

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#1869d 50¢ Nimitz, bulls-eye line perf 11.2, overall tagging.

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#1869e 50¢ Nimitz, bulls-eye line perf 11.2, prephosphored/mottled tagging, bleached white paper with shiny gum.

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#1895 22¢ Flag/Supreme Court

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#1895 22¢ Flag/Supreme Court, "Slate Blue" Supreme Court.

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#1895 22¢ Flag/Supreme Court, "Brick Red" Supreme Court.

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#1898A 4¢ Stagecoach, overall tagging, reddish brown shade, Cottrell press

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#2228 4¢ Stagecoach, block tagging, reddish brown shade, "B" press

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#2115 22¢ Flag/Capitol.

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#2115 22¢ Flag/Capitol, "Erie Blue" Capitol.

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#2128a 8.3¢ Ambulance precancel, Cottrell press.

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#2231 8.3¢ Ambulance precancel on bright white paper, "B" press.

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#2132a 12¢ Stanley Steamer precancel, teal blue shade, Cottrell press.

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#2132b 12¢ Stanley Steamer precancel, gray blue shade, "B" press.

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#2168 1¢ Margaret Mitchell, "brownish vermillion" (original issue).

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#2168 1¢ Margaret Mitchell, unlisted burnt orange shade.

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#2170a 3¢ White, bright blue, dull gum, not tagged, on yellowish-white paper.

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#2170a 3¢ White, bright blue, shiny gum, not tagged, on bleached white paper.

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#2171 4¢ Flanagan, blue violet, tagged (original issue).

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#2171a 4¢ Flanagan, grayish violet, not tagged.

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#2171b 4¢ Flanagan, deep grayish blue, not tagged (1993).

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#2175d 10¢ Red Cloud, lake.

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#2175e 10¢ Red Cloud, carmine.

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#2187 40¢ Chennault, overall tagging dull gum, dark blue (original issue).

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#2187a 40¢ Chennault, prephosphored dull gum, "dark blue" per Scott, actually bright blue.

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#2187a 40¢ Chennault, prephosphored shiny gum, "dark blue" per Scott, actually brilliant blue (1998).

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#2187c 40¢ Chennault, prephosphored mottled shiny gum, "dark blue" per Scott, actually brilliant blue (1994).

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#2194 $1 Johns Hopkins, intense deep blue, dull gum, block tagging, on yellowish-white paper (original issue).

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#2194b $1 Johns Hopkins, deep blue, dull gum, overall tagging, on yellowish-white paper (1990).

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#2194d $1 Johns Hopkins, dark blue, dull gum, prephosphored smooth, on yellowish-white paper (1992).

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#2194e $1 Johns Hopkins, blue, shiny gum, prephosphored mottled, on bleached white paper (1993).

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#2194f $1 Johns Hopkins, blue, low gloss gum, prephosphored smooth, on bleached white paper (1998).

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A Primer on US-Stamps

Various Plate Varieties Various Plate Varieties
Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted I Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted I
Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted II Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted II
Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted III Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted III
Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted IV Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted IV
Various Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted Various Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted


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