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Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted:
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#2225b 1¢ Omnibus, violet, dull gum, not tagged, on yellowish-white paper.

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#2225b 1¢ Omnibus, violet, shiny gum, not tagged, on bleached white paper.

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#2226a 2¢ Locomotive, black, dull gum, not tagged, on yellowish-white paper.

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#2226a 2¢ Locomotive, black, shiny gum, not tagged, on bleached white paper.

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#2257a 10¢ Canal Boat, blue, dull gum, not tagged, on yellowish-white paper.

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#2257a 10¢ Canal Boat, blue, shiny gum, not tagged, on bluish-white paper.

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#2252a 3¢ Conestoga Wagon, claret, dull gum, not tagged, on yellowish-white paper.

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#2252a 3¢ Conestoga Wagon, claret, shiny gum, not tagged, on bleached white paper.

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#2280 25¢ Flag/Yosemite.

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#2280 25¢ Flag/Yosemite, unlisted "gray trees."

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#2280e 25¢ Flag/Yosemite, "black trees," identical stamps being expertized as such by the APS.

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#2466 32¢ Ferryboat, blue shade.

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#2466b 32¢ Ferryboat, bright blue shade, aka "Bronx blue."

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#2523 29¢ Flag/Mount Rushmore, blue, red, and claret.

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#2523c 29¢ Flag/Mount Rushmore, blue, red, and [Toledo] brown.

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#2606 23¢ USA presorted first class, blue shade.

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#2607 23¢ USA presorted first class, navy blue shade.

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#2608 23¢ USA presorted first class, bluish purple.

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#2609 29¢ Flag/White House, blue and red.

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#2609 29¢ Flag/White House, unlisted indigo blue and red.

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#2877 (3¢) Peace Dove, tan, bright blue and red.

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#2878 (3¢) Peace Dove, tan, dark blue and red.

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#2943 78¢ Alice Paul, bright violet.

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#2943a 78¢ Alice Paul, dull violet
(actually the darkest of the 3 shades).

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#2943b 78¢ Alice Paul, pale violet
(actually quite pastel).

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#C21 20¢ China Clipper, green.

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#C21 20¢ China Clipper, dark green.

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#C19 6¢ Winged Globe, dull orange shade.

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#C19 6¢ Winged Globe, greenish orange shade.

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#C19 6¢ Winged Globe, red orange shade.

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#C23 6¢ Eagle, dark blue and carmine.

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#C23 6¢ Eagle, dark blue and carmine, a second shade.

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#C23c 6¢ Eagle, ultramarine and carmine.

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#C29 20¢ Eagle, yellow green shade.

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#C29 20¢ Eagle, bright green shade.

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#C29 20¢ Eagle, dark green shade.

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#C34 10¢ Pan American Union, wet printing.

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#C34a 10¢ Pan American Union, dry printing.

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#C35 15¢ Statue of Liberty, wet printing.

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#C35a 15¢ Statue of Liberty, dry printing.

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#C36 25¢ San Francisco, wet printing.

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#C36a 25¢ San Francisco, dry printing.

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#C39 6¢ DC-4 Skymaster, wet printing.

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#C39b 6¢ DC-4 Skymaster, dry printing.

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#C133 48¢ Niagara Falls plate V11111, reddish sky.

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#C133 48¢ Niagara Falls plate V11111, bluish sky, unlisted in Scott. This variety was discussed at that time in Linn's.

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#E20 20¢ deep blue shade.

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#E20 20¢ light blue shade.

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#J82 3¢ Due, dull carmine, wet printing, original issue.

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#J82a 3¢ Due, scarlet, dry printing, final issue.

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#J82b 3¢ Due, scarlet, wet printing, middle issue.

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#O127 1¢ Official, navy blue shade.

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#O127 1¢ Official, blue shade.

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#O128 4¢ Official, navy blue shade.

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#O128 4¢ Official, blue shade.

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#O130 17¢ Official, navy blue shade.

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#O130 17¢ Official, blue shade.

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#O151 $1 Official, gray blue shade, typical narrow spacing between emblem and microprinting.

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#O151 $1 Official, blue shade, no spacing between emblem and microprinting.

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#UX39 2¢ on 1¢ Franklin, UX27 surcharged by canceling machine in light green.

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#UX41 2¢ on 1¢ Franklin, UX27 typographed surcharge in dark green.

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#UX40 2¢ on 1¢ Franklin, UX28 surcharged by canceling machine in light green.

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#UX42 2¢ on 1¢ Franklin, UX28 typographed surcharge in dark green.

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A Primer on US-Stamps

Various Plate Varieties Various Plate Varieties
Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted I Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted I
Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted II Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted II
Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted III Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted III
Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted IV Various Color Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted IV
Various Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted Various Varieties, Scott-Listed and Unlisted


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